Here are 3 tips for building trust with a parrot without parrot training. Parrots are undomesticated prey animals so they naturally have fear and trust issues with humans. Gaining a parrot’s trust is not a simple task. Here are 3 tips to get started:

1) Be predictable
2) Talk to the parrot
3) Proceed at the parrot’s pace

I have a lot more advice on the topic of gaining a parrot’s trust.

Here is the full length video about getting a parrot to trust you without doing any parrot training:

And my complete approach to building a wonderful relationship with a parrot both with training and general methods:

    3 replies to "3 Tips for Building Trust with a Parrot WITHOUT Training #shorts"

    • @Honest_cheater

      He looks like he needs a beak trim.

    • @crazy4candy_

      I plan to get a scarlet macaw and a blue and gold macaw, this is gonna be very helpful for once I get them!!

    • @silverphantomme99

      So I should hang around it. And if possible. I can take it with me around the hose?

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