Discovering new places for flying is success. Frida is able to fly in new environment and sheΒ΄s enjoying every free flight outside.

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    5 replies to "Free flight parrot training, macaw flying in slow motion"

    • @bigbiemacaw

      Are you on tiktok, I follow a lot of flyers there, im the only one flying in Ireland, im doing a flight demonstration in a few weeks at a breeders show/sale to promote why not to clip chicks especially, its our 1st, and in hopes to encourage others to think about flight training,.I'll get another bird myself because I feel it would be better if my bird had some company in flight..

    • @DogloverG2008

      Did you trained it

    • @muhammadhammadkhan9388

      Beautiful creature 😍

    • @ronakkaparrot1070

      Parrot price

    • @bhurapathan6120


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