This was a great video. I have worked with parrots for forty years and training and parrot psychology have come a long way. So glad to have found your channel.
This is a great video with amazing tips! Birds are conscious beings, not objects to play with. A lot of people don't process that when they get a bird. It's communication and respect, not force. How would you feel if I came up to you and just pushed into you commanding you to step up? I'd get pretty mad and probably bite too! I learned this very quickly having my first bird. And they have grumpy days just like us. Always acknowledge that.
I adopted a Timney gray and taught him to step up without biting by offering him a grape, his favorite. He had the choice of the grape or my finger. Took two times before he would step up on his own but I continued to reward him until the "bribe" wasn't required
Me and my brother just got 2 african grey my brothers own is a girl and its calm but will still bite idk if his own can fly but mune is hostile and can fly idk what to do cause i cant just remove it from its cage or ad i am carrying it it will bite my finger and i will bleed
My grandparents passed away four months apart leaving me with their two African grey parrots who are older than me. This channel is very informative as I am still afraid of them but want to build a bond and get them to trust me. Thanks for the information and insight ❤
16 replies to "Tips to Avoid & Reduce Biting"
Where to get similar parrot stand bro? Looks amazing!
This was a great video. I have worked with parrots for forty years and training and parrot psychology have come a long way. So glad to have found your channel.
This is a great video with amazing tips! Birds are conscious beings, not objects to play with. A lot of people don't process that when they get a bird. It's communication and respect, not force. How would you feel if I came up to you and just pushed into you commanding you to step up? I'd get pretty mad and probably bite too! I learned this very quickly having my first bird. And they have grumpy days just like us. Always acknowledge that.
I adopted a Timney gray and taught him to step up without biting by offering him a grape, his favorite. He had the choice of the grape or my finger. Took two times before he would step up on his own but I continued to reward him until the "bribe" wasn't required
Have you found Smokey??
My 22 year old Amazon Congo grey bet of the entire leg of my English Budgie. The lovely Budgie died that night.
Me and my brother just got 2 african grey my brothers own is a girl and its calm but will still bite idk if his own can fly but mune is hostile and can fly idk what to do cause i cant just remove it from its cage or ad i am carrying it it will bite my finger and i will bleed
Thank you so much. I will adopt a parrot soon, and these videos really help me 🙂❤🦜
Hi I know this is an old video but if you can answer where do you get the stand you always use in these videos
My grandparents passed away four months apart leaving me with their two African grey parrots who are older than me. This channel is very informative as I am still afraid of them but want to build a bond and get them to trust me. Thanks for the information and insight ❤
So well explained & the reasoning behind the training was so well articulated
How do I get my pet African gray parrot to like me 😊😊😊
Hi has Smokey been found yet? Been thinking about you both 😢
I have very old like your and the info I seen was great things you !!!
I made a huge mistake
I forced my grey into the shower
And he hates me
He is so scared of me
I don’t know what to do
Any suggestions?
My McCaw says step up and raise a foot saying hey pick me up